Galleri Format has for 30 years been showing material-based art. In the event of an anniversary, it is natural to reflect on the past, present, and future. Who are we, and what drives our decisions at this gallery? Are we able to put on an anniversary exhibition that represents what material-based art looks like in 2021?
We are well aware of our limitations in representing every fraction of the field in this exhibition, nor do we want to present definitive answers. For that reason, we have decided to give up some control and invite the artists them self to be a part of the decision-making. We started by inviting three artists, which each invited one artist, which, in turn, invited one more. Bringing the number to nine presented, and presenting, artists. We did not implement any rules on who to invite, we only gave information about which artists were already invited. The result is an exhibition with a number of diverse artistic practices and expressions.
Galleri Format wishes to present a different anniversary exhibition. One which asks questions rather than providing answers, an exhibition that might reach wider and that hopefully will contribute to interesting and important conversations about art, and its place in society.
Leif Stangebye-Nielsen | Jorge Manilla | Helene Duckert | Kiyoshi Yamamoto | Kåre Grundvåg | Tanya Busse | Sigrid Espelien | Annike Flo | Jakob Oredsson
Ida Bringedal and Ida Olesdatter Barland